Sunday, April 8, 2012

Lady Catherine's Insults

Today has brought in shocking events. Lady Catherine came unexpectedly to house, and her visit was not welcoming. I took her on a walk, and she accused me of being engaged to her nephew ,and when I denied, she made me promise not to marry him. I was in shock. For her to visit unexpectedly, insult my mother and my home, and then insult me in every form was inexcusable. As much as I would have liked to yell at her, I kept my voice down; however, I refused to give into any threat she threw at me. I kept this all from my family when she left. One thing that worries me though is that Lady Catherine will certainly speak to Darcy and try to persuade him. Unlike me, I feel he will obey her because his reputation may be far greater than myself.

Jane is Engaged!

Bingley proposed to my dear Jane! I walked in the two during the proposal, and Bingley went straight away to ask for my father's permission. I have never seen Jane (or my mother) so happy. Her face radiates her love and affection for Bingley. I am overjoyed for her and could not have asked for a better brother-in-law. I only wonder now if his best friend knows of his decision.

My mother's tricks

Bingley has come more often to see my family, but it is obvious he only wants to see Jane. Jane has tried to be brave and ignorant of her feelings towards him. My mother has yet again made a fool of herself trying to rid the room of us to leave Bingley and Jane alone. She will not let up. Although, I won't let Jane be alone with Bingley because I am not sure her romantic feelings have vanished.

Darcy's Weird Actions

Today, Darcy and Bingley came to visit my family. I wanted to tell Darcy of my gratitude; however, Darcy was quiet and rarely spoke or looked at me. Why did he come with Bingley if he was just going to sit and be taciturn? If I wanted one person to be silent, I wished it was my mother! How overcome with embarrassment I was as she acted so coldly towards him. I wish my family knew all the good he did for them.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Mr. Darcy's Secret

I must share this news that my aunt has shared with me. Darcy has helped and initiated the marriage between Wickham and Lydia! Why would Darcy feel the need to do this? It certainly was not his problem, yet he went out of his way and helped my family. I can not help feeling he did this for me. Is is possible he still has feelings for me?

My Realization

With the fears of Lydia gone, my thoughts meander to Darcy. Darcy, who I now understand his true character and have grown to love him. But the shame Lydia brought onto my family would have demolished any other feelings he had of me. Darcy would not want a connection with my family after this; he would be humiliated. this goes to say that Lydia ruined any future for myself and Darcy.

Lydia's to be Married

I can not express how relieved I am to hear that Wickham is to marry Lydia. This lifts weight off my entire family's shoulders. My mother, of course, is the most ecstatic already trying to figure out what Lydia will wear. I have to say though that this marriage will be complicated and have no happy ending. I feel Wickham does not share the same amount of feelings my sister has for him. Although, the marriage does save my family from further disgrace.

Mr. Collin's Letter

Today, we received a letter from Collins. He apparently felt the need to express his opinion of Lydia's actions to us. I am not surprised just annoyed that Collins expresses how grateful he is that he avoided marriage and a connection to this family. I am most ashamed he spoke of this with Lady Catherine! If there were not already numerous reasons to dislike my family, this surely proved to her how unfit we are.

Monday, March 26, 2012

The Marriage

This is unthinkable. My poor sister Lydia has married Wickham. What was she thinking? Well, she probably wasn't. This marriage has only fueled my anger with Wickham. If only father would have listened to and not let her go to Brighton, then this could have been averted. I only hope they find them before anything else foolish happens.

Visit to Miss Darcy

To give our thanks to Miss Darcy, my aunt and I visited her the next morning. We arrived in the sitting room, and I was just overjoyed to see Miss Bingley there. I can only imagine how she felt about me. No doubt making her opinion known when I left. The whole mood between us was awkward, and I was relieved when my aunt and I finally departed.

Meeting Miss Darcy

Today, I have had the opportunity of meeting Miss Darcy. It turned out they came early, and come to Lambton to visit us. From my encounter with Miss Darcy, I believe her to be a sweet, shy girl. I feel that Miss Darcy is lost and feels out of place. Her brother adores her completely. It is nice to see this side of him, and I was honored to have been acquainted with her.


Pemberly surpassed my expectations greatly. The ride there was laced with woods. The house was huge and lovely; however, it was the housekeeper that caught my interest the most. She gave Darcy very high regard. There was not one word of disapproval spoken about him. I could not believe my ears. Had I truly not known the real Mr. Darcy?

The Trip

I have set off to Lambton with my aunt and uncle. My aunt declared she wants to visit Pemberley. I did not know what to say. If I went, I would surely have a chance at running into Darcy. That's something I could not let happen. Fortunately, my fretting was calmed when a maid told me the family was not down yet. Well, if Darcy is not there, then I would not mind visiting his home.

My Confession to Jane

At home when I had time alone with Jane, I confessed to her all the events that happened at my stay in Rosings. I recalled to her the proposal and the letter that revealed Wickham's cruelty. I felt so relieved to get that off my chest. Jane, of course, was shocked to hear of Wickham's actions as I was, and did not think me wrong for refusing Darcy's hand.  It feels so good to know I can count on Jane.

My Departure from Rosings

My trip to Rosings is finally coming to an end. I can not help but feeling joy. I at last get to see my sister, Jane, and enjoy her company. I have so much to speak with her about. Lady Catherine insisted we stay longer, but the thought of spending more time there could not be more appalling. All I want is to be back home with my sisters and parents.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Letter

I should inform you all that on one of my daily walks, I ran into Darcy, and he gave me a letter. At first, I was a little apprehensive to opening the letter, but my curiosity got the better of me. In the letter, Darcy took full responsibility to breaking up the marriage, and he stated that he did not know it would affect Jane greatly. He then spoke of Wickham and how greatly I misjudged him. His recounts of Wickham left me completely astonished. Surely, these accusations of Wickham had to be false; however as i reread the letter, the events were true with Wickham's story. As I recalled my conversation with Wickham and this letter, I began to realize that Mr. Wickham could and has been lying to me. This would mean that the awful actions I instantly accused Darcy of were false also.Is Darcy not who I thought he was?

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Darcy Proposed!

I'm in an utter state of shock! To think Mr. Darcy had the nerve to propose to me and believe I would actually accept. He has been rude and arrogant towards me and has blatantly told me he is ashamed of my family and social status. To make matters worse, he destroyed my poor Jane's heart. If he is shocked at my denial to his proposal, then he should know it was his own fault that made me have this ill opinion of him.

Fitzwilliam's Confession

Today on one of my walks, I ran into Colonel Fitzwilliam.As we were walking back to the parsonage, Fitzwilliam told me a thing of great importance. Apparently, Darcy had the pleasure of saving Bingley from a disastrous marriage. I know I shouldn't be surprised to learn that Darcy was the one who caused my sister's misery, but i didn't believe he was that ruthless to do such an act. And how could he deprive his true friend from love? I can't help but think that Darcy did this only for himself. He probably could not bare the thought of having a friend who was associated with our family! What a cruel creature!

The Arrival of Mr. Darcy

My visit to Hunsford has been going well to my surprise! It has been lovely talking to Charlotte again when Collins is not around. Poor Charlotte can not get in a single word with her husband standing by her side. It has come to my knowledge that Mr. Darcy is coming to Rosings for Easter. Everyone is quite anxious for his arrival, and as for me, well, I am delighted to enjoy his courteous company once again. Wish me luck!