Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Letter

I should inform you all that on one of my daily walks, I ran into Darcy, and he gave me a letter. At first, I was a little apprehensive to opening the letter, but my curiosity got the better of me. In the letter, Darcy took full responsibility to breaking up the marriage, and he stated that he did not know it would affect Jane greatly. He then spoke of Wickham and how greatly I misjudged him. His recounts of Wickham left me completely astonished. Surely, these accusations of Wickham had to be false; however as i reread the letter, the events were true with Wickham's story. As I recalled my conversation with Wickham and this letter, I began to realize that Mr. Wickham could and has been lying to me. This would mean that the awful actions I instantly accused Darcy of were false also.Is Darcy not who I thought he was?

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